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Braunton is close enough to Barnstaple to start feeling a bit of the modern world in comparison to previous stops, but more conveniently breaks the mileage up for the walker from Woolacombe. A small town with a population of around 10,000, it has a couple of bistros, cafes and inns, along with some B&B options for overnight walkers.
Whilst inland of the coast, Surfing is still very much in evidence here with the town hosting The Museum of British Surfing with some exhibits showing that the clothing and boards of the early pioneers were a long way from todays "cool" boardriders - have a look at the 1920's "coffin lid" board!
This is the best location for further exploration of the huge dunes and diverse flora and fauna of the Biosphere Reserve at nearby Braunton Burrows. Braunton Countryside Centre located in the town centre, is a free visitor centre with a small library of wildlife books, guides, leaflets and displays.
Braunton and District Museum is located in the main Caen Street car park in the centre of Braunton, housed in a converted former bakehouse and two cottages. Here you can see a working model railway of Braunton, and information about local author Henry Williamson, author of ‘Tarka The Otter’.